Docker image of ALBERT for Linux users

Linux users willing to try ALBERT without having to run the Windows version in an emulator can now get their hands dirty too! It’s a temporary measure, but Linux users can now run ALBERT in a Docker container.

Docker images are published on Docker Hub here.

Running ALBERT is just a matter of issuing the command:

docker run --rm -it -e DISPLAY=${DISPLAY} -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix luigidifraia/albert

This is what you should be able to see (the screenshot refers to Debian 11 and to the project file /app/sample-projects/c64-master-of-puppet.alb):

ALBERT running in a Docker container by Luigi Di Fraia
ALBERT running in a Docker container

If you would like to persist ALBERT’s preferences and window positions, you will also have to mount a host folder into the container as /home/default/.config/ALBERT.
If you intend to save your artwork or export it, you’ll also have to mount a host folder for doing so.

Stay tuned for more!

Update: The official homepage for ALBERT is now:

About Luigi Di Fraia

I am a Senior DevOps Engineer so I get to work with the latest technologies and open-source software. However, in my private time I enjoy retro-computing.
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